Ieva Kusi TMB TRAINER, United Kingdom
About Ieva Kusi
I like to call myself a people's person and my priority is my clients' targets. I focus a lot on the balanced fitness that everyone I coach can perform their best without the risk of injury. I am fun, but at the same time hands on with the discipline. My favourite thing to say as a coach: "make your weakness your best friend".
The greatest fitness challenge in my life was completing a marathon. It was a hard time for me, I had to pull out of my athletic career due to a car accident where I severely injured my foot. The doctor said I should stop my running training for 1 year but my answer was: in one year I will run a marathon :). I had a month and a half left to my marathon and found out I was pregnant. After consulting my doctor, I decided to still take part in the marathon. It was not my best performance, but this challenge taught me a lot and helped me to grow as an individual and a trainer.
I work with various individuals to achieve their great fitness challenges. My clients have successfully passed military, police academy and firefighter fitness tests aswell as achieving personal bests in marathons and ultramrathons.
I was always a fan of the outdoor fitness, particularly military bootcamp. TMB is a great organisation that proves an opportunity for individuals to challenge themselves physically and mentally and it is fun. I like challenges and to be in a busy environment.